How To Keep Koi Fish Ponds Clean And Algae-free

A garden pond is a great addition to any backyard or courtyard. With a garden pond, your family will have an excellent place for meditation and relaxation. But if you want to add more life to your waterscape, then it would be best if you can install Koi pond on your garden. With a Koi pond, you can make Koi-raising as a therapeutic hobby. It is very easy to install Koi fish ponds. The real challenge is how to keep Koi fish ponds clean and free from algae.

Start with the Right Location and Design

If you do not want to struggle with uncontrollable algal growth in your garden pond, make sure that you design it well and find a good location for it. The best thing that you can do is to build your Koi pond on a location that is partially shaded. You will be able to manage algal growth easily if Koi fish ponds only receive partial sun.

You must also add more water plants in the pond as well as within its banks. Water plants are efficient users of nutrients so they will deprive algae of their food supply. Vegetation can also block the sun thus minimizing the possibility of algae growth at the bottom of the pond. Most importantly, there are water plants that can serve as filters and they will help you to keep pond water clean.

Allow Your Koi Fish to Help You

When you decide to build Koi fish ponds, it is important to know how to feed them properly. That is because the Koi fishes in your garden pond can help in keeping it algae free and clean. If you notice some algal growth at the bottom and sides of your Koi pond, it is probably time to reduce the food supply of the fish.

Koi fishes eat algae and other plant growth. So if you minimize feeding, the fishes will look for other food sources and they will surely devour the algae in your pond. It is also best to add a few fish to the pond in order to keep the pond free from algae. You can sell some Koi or place them in a temporary aquarium if the fish population in your pond gets too congested.

Install the Necessary Filters

One of the best ways to keep Koi fish ponds clean is to install UV filters. These filters are somewhat expensive but they will certainly keep off the algae from your garden pond. The UV filter will kill microscopic algae when they pass through the water channel. So the fresh water that you will infuse in your Koi pond will be free from algae. Just ask the builder or the installation company to install UV filters in your waterways.

You can also use fish-friendly chemicals that can kill algae. However, this should be your last option because it is still best to use natural methods to keep your pond clean. It is important to keep your pond free from algae in order to ensure good water quality.