When it comes to caring for pet fish at home, a fresh-water aquarium is the ideal choice as it not only presents fish in an aesthetic, pleasing way, the tank is also simple to maintain. Pet fish can come in a variety of colors and sizes, so if you have just purchased an aquarium, youll want to make sure that your fish are compatible and can be easily cared for as well.
1. The Common Goldfish
Of course, most aquariums would be replete if you did not add one popular pet fish the goldfish. Indeed, the goldfish is the most popular, well-recognized aquarium fish as it is both economical and hardy. Originating in China, the goldfish not only comes in orange, it is available in yellow, yellow and black, white, and a combination of white and black as well.
The common goldfish, or the orange variety, is a very docile pet fish and, amazingly, can grow as long as 40 inches. The hardiest of the goldfish species, a common goldfish can live almost half a century! It thrives well in water temperatures from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. The Guppy
Another popular aquarium fish is the guppy, which is a great fish to choose if youve never owned a pet fish or aquarium before. Males of the species are colorful while females can be considered Plain Janes. As these fish are prolific breeders, you have to make sure they wont, after a time, crowd out the other fish in your aquarium.
3. The Archer Fish
The archer fish is generally a better choice for people who have experience in aquaculture. Peaceful in nature like the common goldfish, the archer fish subsists on a diet of live insects. An enjoyable fish to watch, the fish is a logical pick for home aquariums.
4. The Swordfish
Another fish that is a great choice for beginning aquaculturists, the swordtail grows to about four inches at maturity. While the pet fish basically exhibits a non-aggressive demeanor, the male of the species can, at times be rather belligerent around other males.
Like guppies, the swordtail tends to multiply rather quickly. However, the population can be controlled as the mother fish of the species will eat her babies if you dont separate her from offspring. Other than that small, yet significant, quirk the fish are pretty simple to maintain.
5. The Neon Tetra
The neon tetra is a schooling fish that is a favorite among beginning hobbyists. Therefore, youll want to include at least five the small fish in your freshwater fish tank. Neon tetras live up to their name, showcasing red and blue neon colors on shiny scales. Like goldfish, the fish are a placid species and very easy to keep. However, make sure not to include them in an aquarium with more aggressive breeds that will look at the small fish as prey. If they are kept away from predatory fish, neon tetras live about six to eight years in an aquarium.